I Have to Recommend This Book

Yilu Cahill
4 min readDec 8, 2020

Show your work!

This is the name of the book written by Austin Kleon.

Who Should Read It?

People who is experiencing artistic block or who just start to learn something new.

How I Discovered It?

I discovered this book from looking for a productivity video. I ran by the YouTuber Ali’s video. He recommended this book which inspired him to become a YouTuber.

What is the Book About?

  1. Become an amateur, learn openly (even though the process is messy) and help other people learn with you.
  2. Share something small everyday, and keep going.
  3. If you want to be more effective when sharing yourself and your work, you need to become a better storyteller. You need to know what a good story is and how to tell them.

How the Book Changed Me

The book is talking about a such simple concept, but it seems like a lot of people understand it wrong. At least I understood it wrong.

I was trying to achieve my next “perfect” artwork to share. But when my artwork will be perfect? Who has the authority to say it is perfect? And during this process, I feel unaccomplished. I was disconnected with my friends and fans. I was looking at other artists’ grow online all the time, but couldn’t see myself’s growing process. The reason is I didn’t try to see or document my growing process at all! It was a such waste. But you know, it is never too late!

I will start to share today!

Notes to take a look if You don’t Have Time to Read It Now

A new way of operating

While you spending majority of your time, energy, and attention practicing anything, allowing for the possibility that what you do might attract a group of people who share your interest.

You don’t have to be a genius

Amateur, which is actually a nice word, means the enthusiast who pursues her work in the spirit of love (means “lover” in French). People many learn more from an amateur, than from an expert.

Make a commitment to learn, and learn in front of others.

Share what you love, and the people who love the same thing will find you. Don’t worry.

Think process, not product

The first step is to user your residue of your process and shape them into something interesting to share. From invisible → visible through one kind of media.

Things to do:

document what you do, start a book journal, keep a scrapbook, take photographs of your work at different stages, shoot video of you working

Share something small everyday

You could share anything (big or small) during any stage of your working process. But run a “so what” test. “Helpful? Entertaining? Is it OK for my mother or boss see?” If you can’t decide, let it sit for 24 hours. Go with your gut. Don’t oversharing.

Choose your dominated platform, and keep sharing a little bit on time.

Open up your cabinet of curiosities

In the beginning, your work is not that good which is normal. But share your influences. They clue people in to who your are and what you do. Sometimes even more important than your work.

You might think something you love might be garbage for others. But these are something that make you unique. When you find things you genuinely enjoy, don’t let anyone else make you feel bad about it. You need to have guts to own it. Be open and honest about what you like is the best way to connect with people who like those things, too.

BTW credit every citation.

Tell good stories

Work doesn’t speak to itself. If you want to be more effective when sharing work+yourself, you have to know 1, what is a good story and 2, how to tell one. Everything is a pitch. It is not easy, but the more you practice, the more you will be good at it.

Practice: always keep your audience in mind, use plain language, value their time, be brief, sweet, write more, use spell check.

You got to make your own unique story about yourself.

Teach what you know

People will interested in your work more when you teach others. Share your knowledge and work, you will get audience in return.

Don’t turn into human spam

Don’t worried about how many followers you have, but try to make yourself an interesting person. Make and share stuff you love, will attract the people who love the same stuff.

Use the vampire test. If people who absorb your energy, please don’t invite them into your life.

Meet people in the real place, not only online. (Of course, after COVID)

Learn to take a punch

There will be critics.

Advice: Breath and relax, put out a lot of more work, let them hate you more, protect your vulnerable area, keep your balance with your work and family/friends

Sell out.

Don’t be afraid to charge for your work, but put a price you think is fair. Keep a mailing list and make make more work for yourself. Set office hours for fans, but you have to be selfish enough to leave time for yourself to get work done.

Stick around.

Use the end of the project to light up the next one. Don’t stop.


Austin Kleon’s Show You Work! https://www.amazon.com/Show-Your-Work-Austin-Kleon/dp/076117897X

Ali Abdaal https://youtu.be/hv1gOEY3cs4

